Waitrose Seasoned Stock Brined Whole Chicken1.5Kg

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Waitrose Seasoned Stock Brined Whole Chicken 1.5Kg

Product Details

Origin Information
from British chicken

Oven cook From Chilled

Preheat oven. Place chicken in its bag in a deep sided roasting tin. Cut small cross in top of roasting bag where indicated. Place in the centre of oven for 1 hour 10 minutes. Remove from oven carefully cut bag along scissor line as shown on bag and remove this section of the bag. Baste the chicken with the cooking juices. Return to oven for final 20 minutes. Remove and pierce the thickest part of the breast meat with a skewer to check that there is no pink meat and the juices run clear. If more cooking is required return to the oven, continue cooking for a further 15 minutes and retest. Take care when opening the bag as steam will escape and there will be hot cooking juices. Allow to rest for 510 minutes before carving. Do not reheat. Time 1 hour 30 mins, Oven 200C, Fan 180C, Gas Gas Mark gas 6

Waitrose Seasoned  Stock Brined Whole Chicken1.5Kg
Waitrose Seasoned Stock Brined Whole Chicken1.5Kg