Goodyear 40pc 14 38 socket driver set metric imperial ratchet bolts spark with code Sold by ThinkPrice

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The Goodyear 40pc 14 38 socket driver set is a versatile tool kit for various mechanical tasks.

product specifications
140mm spinner handle
170mm ratchet handle
3 extension bar
Adaptor 14 drive to 38 drive
38 disc
Metric and imperial sockets
Spark plug socket
Spline sockets with extra strong rounded walls
14 drive metric sockets 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm
14 drive imperial sockets 532, 316, 732, 14, 932, 516, 1132, 38, 1332, 716, 1532, 12

Includes 140mm spinner handle, 170mm ratchet handle, 3 extension bar, adaptor 14 drive to 38 drive and 38 disc. Contains metric and imperial sockets, spark plug socket and spline sockets with extra strong rounded walls to grip bolts evenly reducing damage.

14 drive metric sockets 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm.
14 drive imperial sockets 532, 316, 732, 14, 932, 516, 1132, 38, 1332, 716, 1532, 12.
38 drive metric sockets 14, 16, 17mm.
38 drive imperial sockets 916, 58, 1116.
38 drive spark plug sockets 21mm 1316.
38 drive imperial star sockets 14 516, 38.

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Goodyear 40pc 14  38 socket driver set metric imperial ratchet bolts spark with code Sold by ThinkPrice
Goodyear 40pc 14 38 socket driver set metric imperial ratchet bolts spark with code Sold by ThinkPrice